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Oil Paintings

Along the Winnipeg River

8 x 10

Oil on Canvas


I worked at a fishing camp on the Winnipeg River in 2013 for the summer.  Can’t sing the praises of the beauty of Manitoba and the Whiteshell enough – never been surrounded by more bugs in my life, though!


Winnipeg River Sunset

8 x 10

Oil on Canvas


Storm Over Mount Sampson

8 x 10

Oil on Canvas


One of many Mount Sampson paintings made in memory of my friend Michael Gagnon. We did get ourselves stuck in this storm while paddling to Coronet Creek campsite at Maligne Lake.

Athabasca River


Oil on Canvas


Maligne Valley

Oil on canvas, 9×12, 2013

Colin Range, Maligne Rd.

Oil on canvas, 9×12, 2013

Saddleback Mountain

12×17, Oil on canvas 2013

Medicine Lake View

8×10, Oil on canvas, 2014

Pyramid Mountain

Oil on canvas, 16×24, 2015

Lake Annette: Summer Day

8×10, Oil on canvas, 2018

Mount Tekarra From My Front Yard

Oil on canvas, 8×10, 2018

Beauty Creek Diptych

Oil on canvas, 9×12 (2x), 2018

Icy Athabasca

Oil on canvas, 8×10, 2021
